ATTENTION: A Cry For Justice By Survivor Of Hot Water Attack By Abusive Drunk Boss

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ATTENTION: A Cry For Justice By Survivor Of Hot Water Attack By Abusive Drunk Boss

Good afternoon all we received a report of Physical Assault Occasioned with Serve life threatening Bodily Harm on lady by name Akinola Bukola Oyindamola. Perpetrated by her boss popularly known as Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke with Phone number 07066539188.

According to the mandated reporter who narrated that Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke is a dealer in food Stuffs like Cartoon of noodles and other home consumables.

Her grudge against the survivor was she suspected the survivor had said something terrible against her to new Manager she employed who left few days after he was employed.

According to the mandated reporter on the day of this particular incident two of Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke sales representative ages 10 and 14 years both fought in the store which resulted to a Bangles damage. By the time they got home that faithful evening Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke enquired from the survivor how come the Bangle’s were damaged by the younger sale girls the survivor responded she had no idea what actually happened.

According to the mandated reporter Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke dragged the survivor into the kitchen locked her inside and asked one the younger sales representative if there was hot water available and they responded none was available.

Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke practically boiled hot water and poured it on the head of the Survivor, the survivor tried to escape she prevented her and boiled the second hot water on the Survivor who collapsed despite her condition Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke took cane and continued beating the survivor.

The irony of this matter is Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke husband owns a petrol filling Station , which gets into her head , at a point she boasted she knows power that be and nothing would happen.

We thank God she was duly arrested as at this moment she has been transferred to the Gender Anti-human Trafficking unit SCID Panti for professional prosecution . According to report Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke is serial abuser on countless occasions who have been getting away with her numerous child abuse cases . There several report that she’s into child trafficking we believe she has met her Waterloo this around.


She should not be treated nicely at all , out articulate OC Gender Anti-human Trafficking we trust good office would see the case to a logical end.

@IYA GANI and Legal team @ Ebenezer @ Auntlanda Bethel Foundation copy
Alhaja Rashidat Adeleke Store Address
Shop address-35 Ayodele Ogunkoya Street White House Bustop Governor Road, Ikotun

Alhaja Rashidat Adelekes House

Moriamo Close, opposite saint saviour primary school bus stop but their house is the last building in the street.
Survivors mobile number


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